And who wouldn’t? After staring out the window all winter at nothing but bare ground, barren trees and hundreds of lonely hosta labels, spring is glorious! In a matter of weeks, the landscape is transformed into a green paradise of budding trees, flowering shrubs, perennials popping up everywhere, and spring ephemerals and wildflowers in bloom. Every spring I’m amazed at this miracle of nature. I spend hours just walking around my garden to see what’s changed every few days. I’ll post photos some of this week’s blooms.

Of course, spring means a lot of work too. Hungry hostas require feeding just as soon as they break through the ground. And all those slug eggs that have been dormant underground during the winter start hatching and looking food. You know what that means - food = your hostas!!

I spread a basic 10-10-10 fertilizer - NOT the timed release type. I use that later. Right now, the plants need a good shot of energy and the 10-10-10 will provide that. I also spread slug pellets. I use an environmental friendly and pet friendly type that works pretty well. Here are photos of the type of fertilizer and slug prevention I like. Be sure to read the labels and only use as directed on the label.
